SAF Spectrum Compact is an RF analyzer that saves time and optimizes project costs for utilities, WISPs, mobile telcos, critical communication users, defense, military, border control and police operators. It adds flexibility and certainty to planning, maintaining, and regulating spectrum ecosystem, even from a drone.
Designed For the Field:
Spectrum Compact free PC software and API allow integration into complex projects from TV broadcasting, live events, and scenarios requiring uninterrupted satellite and ground transmission. This ensures the highest possible quality, whether used by remote mobile units or at permanent sites. Spectrum Compact offers an abundance of tests for the automotive industry, smart factories, and IoT networks as well as adds to an electromagnetic warfare (EW) situational awareness.
Provides a Variety of Tests:
Spectrum Compact series comprises of 7 handheld spectrum analyzers 10 MHz – 87 GHz radio frequency bands. Each device is dedicated to a specific frequency range so you pay only for the range you actually use! This device offers mobility and ease of use for RF testing that portable spectrum analyzers just can not provide due to its size and weight.
— Watch 1 min device overview —
Visual representation of signal level changes at a fixed frequency over the selected period of time. This feature is useful for external PIM identification.
Helps user to quickly evaluate what is happening in the radio spectrum of their interest.
Visual representation of the spectrum allows determining abnormalities in the form and shape of the signal, thus indicating potential issues with the transmitter.
Visual representation of spectrum displays in-band interference in user’s radio channel.
Cumulative trace mode helps to observe how the signal’s energy is divided within the spectrum, thus identifying the multipath effect.
Displaying minimum and maximum signal levels aids in observing the fluctuation of signal and intermittent signals.
Visual representation of spectrum displays out-of-band interference near user’s radio channel.
Allows to perform quick measurement of received signal level in specific bandwidth, also can be used to measure channel’s bandwidth and separation.
A built-in path calculator allows having an estimation of the received signal level.
Visualization of detected power levels over the time axis in the record mode can be used for more detailed spectrum analysis.
Meet the latest addition to the Spectrum Compact family – Spectrum Core.
Designed for seamless integration with third-party systems, Spectrum Core delivers the same high-performance RF spectrum analysis as Spectrum Compact, but without a touchscreen and built-in batteries, achieving significant savings in cost.